Diocese of Oxford

News (Page 115)

Please “click” on each heading, or View Post,  to read more and see all the details

West Oxfordshire Food Bank needs YOU

Donations are always needed, and can be placed in the box in the North Porch. Recently the following items have been requested: tins of cooked meats – stews etc., tinned potatoes, small packs (500gr) of sugar, Long-life milk and fruit juice. Please consider what items would go together to make a meal for a family…

Mission Action Plan (MAP)

The PCC has agreed to initiate a process called Mission Action Planning; designed to help churches grow in depth, impact and numbers. It will help us to choose to do a few things well over months and years. A display explaining MAP will be available in the church from this Sunday onwards. (20th August 2016) It is important that this process involves…


There will soon be a display in church which relates to our duties around thesafeguarding of children and vulnerable adults. Please can I encourage everyone totake a look at the board as it develops and ask any questions you may have. A training session is being held on 1 September for anyone that is interested infinding out more and in making sure…

Ducklington Flower Show

The Annual Village Flower and Produce Show is on Monday 29th August on the Sports Field. The church would welcome donations of cakes and produce for our stall. Please bring any items to church or pass to Gill Caton or June Allen by Sunday 28th August. Thank you for your continued support