Diocese of Oxford

News (Page 125)

Please “click” on each heading, or View Post,  to read more and see all the details

A farewell from Bob and a new rector for Ducklington

As announced recently , Ruth and Bob will be leaving the parish after a farewell service at 9.30am on May 17th. The church wardens have been asked by the bishop to begin the process which will lead to the appointment of a new rector, hopefully in the Autumn. Everyone who attends the church is welcome to submit their thoughts about the appointment, either by e-mail to wardens@ducklingtonchurch.org.uk or by letter to…

We’re back!

We’re back at long last after another website on a shared server was hacked.  This meant all the websites were closed down whilst files were “cleaned”.  Still, it’s all sorted out now so onwards and upwards:  we’re pleased to be back.

Books for Lent

If you would like to order one of the recommended Lent books, please sign the list on the Information Table before 11.30am on Sunday February 8th. The four books are: The Journey by John Pritchard In God’s Hands by Desmond Tutu, The Bad Christian’s Manifesto by Dave Tomlinson Praise Him – the 2015 York Lent Course You can download the leaflet on Lent Books 2015 here.bet…

The Easter experience

This year we are due to host the Easter Experience in church in the week beginning March 22nd. Please consider how you might contribute.  More information will follow in the next few weeks.merit crystal cove & casinofinnish language translation

Can you help with Street Pastors?

We are part of a national team first pioneered in 2003, and Street Pastors continues to grow throughout the UK and across the world.  Street pastors are trained volunteers from local churches and we care about our community.  We are usually on patrol from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. on a Friday or Saturday night to care for, listen to and help…

Church opening

For some time, the PCC have been preparing to open up the church building, daily, during daylight hours, starting in the Spring. To make this work well, we need a team of people who would be willing to unlock and or lock up on particular days. Please talk with Peter Nichols if you think you may be able to help.

Covenant Prayer

Covenant prayer (new wording) Methodist Worship Book I am no longer my own but yours. Your will, not mine, be done in all things, wherever you may place me, in all that I do and in all that I may endure; when there is work for me and when there is none; when I am troubled and when I am at peace.…

January Prayer Diary

The January prayer diary is now published and can be viewed and downloaded here. If you would like to receive weekly updates on items such as this, why not subscribe?  [wysija_form id=”1″]merit royal hotel casinorussian translation i love youPHL22 Durango Smoke Greybmw x3 car cover australia