Diocese of Oxford

News (Page 79)

Please “click” on each heading, or View Post,  to read more and see all the details

Church Electoral Roll – ensure you’re on it

Between Sep 6th – 20th there will be a revision of the Church Electoral Roll in the lead up to the APCM in October.  If there are any questions please refer them to me as the Electoral Roll Officer. Tricia Hughes (EROfficer@ducklingtonchurch.org.uk –  779286) Take a look at the Annual Meeting page here to download the form and view other relevant documents

Prayer Bulletin

The Church is now open for private prayer between 11am and 3pm. Please continue to pray for: – Adrian and Annie Walsh Steve and Julia, Gill Long’s sister and brother-in law, Brenda Cook For those at home who feel cut off in their isolation For Alfie (aged 4) and his family for Wendy Dunstan and other family and friends of Evelyn Dunstan…

A letter from Roger..

Dear Fellow Members of St Bartholomew’s It looks as though Coronavirus is not going away any time soon, so it is likely that we will need to continue “Zooming” services from our church. Martin and Jane have made great strides and efforts in setting up and supporting our use of Zoom, and I really cannot thank them enough, but even they have…

Services in church….going forward

We are looking to open up church from this Sunday, 6th September, to all those wishing to attend worship, but there is a cap of 45 persons to meet the safe distancing requirements.    Please advise Sue Fenn by ‘phone on 01993-709814 or email at admin@ducklingtonchurch.org.uk  by 6pm on Saturday evening if you wish to attend.   If you do not hear from…

Power Point Help?

As we continue to use PowerPoint to present our services week by week, I am looking for someone to assist in creating these. The service liturgy is prepared by the ministry team and needs to be converted into the slides. If you would like to know more, please contact Rev’d Paul on 776625 or email rector@ducklingtonchurch.org.uk

Prayer Bulletin

The Church is now open for private prayer between 11am and 3pm. Please continue to pray for: – Adrian and Annie Walsh Steve, Gill Long’s brother-in law, Brenda Cook For those at home who feel cut off in their isolation For Alfie (aged 4) and his family. Give thanks for his recent progress and pray for the plans for proposed surgery at…