Diocese of Oxford

News (Page 84)

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Prayer Bulletin

Regrettably the Church can no longer be left open for private prayer but please pray at home for: – Adrian and Annie Walsh Steve, Gill Long’s brother-in law, Brenda Cook June Kirk For those at home who feel cut off in their isolation Those attending the Confirmation Course

An update from Gill

Dear Friends   How wonderful that we are on the verge of having our beautiful church building open, once again, for people to come into for private prayer.  The members of our leadership team are currently working hard to enable the safe opening of the church in line with recent government guidance. It will probably be a while before we can all…

A letter from The Rectory

Parish Letter, 20200607 Dear Friends, If you haven’t yet had the opportunity to walk the meandering path in our wild meadow to the east of the churchyard, then I would encourage you to pop up there and take time to observe the diversity of plants which are growing there, even in this very dry early summer. I was fortunate to meet Sally…

Prayer Bulletin

Regrettably the Church can no longer be left open for private prayer but please pray at home for: – Adrian and Annie Walsh Steve, Gill Long’s brother-in law, Brenda Cook June Kirk For those at home who feel cut off in their isolation Those attending the Confirmation Course

A letter from Roger

A letter from our Church Warden, Roger Barnes Dear Fellow Members of St Bartholomew’s This Sunday is Pentecost, or Whitsunday as the Book of Common Prayer has it. The word Pentecost is from the Greek word meaning fiftieth and marks the start of the Jewish Harvest Festival 50 days after Passover (Easter to us). Pentecost is the birthday of the Christian Church…

Prayer Bulletin

Regrettably the Church can no longer be left open for private prayer but please pray at home for: – Adrian and Annie Walsh Steve, Gill Long’s brother-in law, Brenda Cook June Kirk For those at home who feel cut off in their isolation Those attending the Confirmation Course

Prayers for our time

God of compassion, be close to those who are ill, afraid or in isolation. In their loneliness, be their consolation; in their anxiety, be their hope; in their darkness, be their light; through him who suffered alone on the cross, but reigns with you in glory, Jesus Christ our Lord. O God, help me to trust you, help me to know that…

Advent Angels

If you enjoy knitting and sewing and would like to be involved making Advent Angels do get in touch with Maria mlskoyles@gmail.com 07590264246.  Bags of yarn and instructions for making angel wings are available on request from her doorstep A WhatsApp group will be created so those crafting can keep in touch.

An update from Paul

Letter from the Rector 22 May 2020   With my greetings, at this Ascension-tide: I expect that, like most of us, you have planned to use the time we have “spare” during lockdown to spend on those things we have been meaning to do for a long time… and surely here’s the opportunity to get on and do it! Or perhaps not,…