Diocese of Oxford

News (Page 86)

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Are you missing Ducklington?

Martin has submitted this short video. He says “having been house-bound since the end of January and then under lockdown, I have just started walking again. Spring has come and I thought you might like to share the wonders of the village that you might be missing too”. Well sit back and relax and see a little reminder. All will be well.…

School Meal Support

Thank you to everyone who responded so generously with all different groceries to go to those 13 families who depend on free school meals. We were able to make up two full bags for each of them, together with bread donated by the Community Fridge

Prayer Bulletin

Regrettably the Church can no longer be left open for private prayer but please pray at home for: – Gemma and Rob De Banks giving thanks for the birth of Rosie Hope, 2 years after the stillbirth of Jack. Adrian and Annie Walsh Steve, Gill Long’s brother-in law, Brenda Cook June Kirk Family and friends of Gordon Etheridge and of Norman Godfrey,…

A message from Roger …

Dear Fellow Members of St Bartholomew’s Well, what a difference a couple of days can make. Last Sunday basking in temperatures of 24 degrees; by Tuesday it poured down all day and hardly got above 12 degrees. Rather like the Corona Virus outbreak. One day it’s business as usual, two days later we are in lock-down – a hard change to come…

Witney Baby Bank – can you help?

Witney Baby Bank has been set up in response to a need in our community, supporting families by providing them with essential baby items and women with menstrual products, free of charge. The COVID-19 pandemic has only put additional pressure on families, many of whom were already at breaking point. Witney Baby Bank is run by a group of volunteers, working with…

A letter from your Rector

Rector: Rev’d Paul N Boddam-Whetham M.A. Administrator: Miss Sue Fenn Friday 24 April 2020 Dear Friends, Each of us will be working out how to use this gift of time and space which we have been given during this period of “lockdown” when for the health of family and friends, as well as our own, we are diligently observing the rules on…

Prayer Bulletin

Regrettably the Church can no longer be left open for private prayer but please continue to pray for: – Adrian and Annie Walsh Steve, Gill Long’s brother-in law, Brenda Cook June Kirk Family and friends of Gordon Etheridge, whose funeral was on 22nd April Family and friends of Norman Godfrey, whose funeral was on 24th April Family and friends of Bob Fidler,…

School meals and lockdown

24 April 2020 Dear Friends, As a church we have usually donated items of food to the Food Bank which is a great way to help others in greater need. In lockdown, children who usually have a free school meal are now receiving a voucher each week for exchange at a local store. We thought it would be helpful if we gave…

Fritillary Sunday

Fritillary Sunday has been cancelled. Further information to follow. Meanwhile the fritillaries can be enjoyed on your permitted exercise walk! You can always take a look at pictures from years past.